In a new release on the ITitov YouTube channel, Dmitry Titov raised the topic of distance education for schoolchildren. The author and host has collected tips and life hacks from private schools on what tools will help you learn from a distance today.
For example, the private IT school MyFreedom easily switched to online and sees this as an advantage for future programmers, because this situation immerses them in a real environment. Not going to the office, making decisions remotely - this is what IT people have encountered even without a pandemic. The private school has much more serious problems. What to do with empty classrooms?
"We just drove into the new office and started to solve the problem of how to save the school, people All counted, made another financial strategy and we had to give up half of the office.?", - says the founder of IT-school MyFreedom Elena Dinman.
The most difficult times are today for robotics schools. It is impossible to assemble a robot using Zoom under the supervision of a teacher. We have to rebuild the system of training students and teach them only to program these constructors computer engineering course.
"All our sites are open, but they are empty. It is very sad. We are a portfolio company Zubr Capital, and the guys are helping us a lot. We really lost 100% of our revenue," Dmitry Gayev, director of Robolab , shares the news with Dmitry Titov.
If you go to distance learning, then many "sores" are revealed. Some items simply cannot be transferred online.
"There are subjects that you cannot always translate online. When a child answers a poem by heart or a statement. It seems to me that when the coronavirus ends, education will be completely transformed. If you look at the school I went to and which modern children go to, then it is absolutely no different, "says Alexander Khomich, director of the Education for the Future Association.
One of the main issues with the transition to the "distance" is technical. Not everyone has a computer for every family member. The most difficult situation is with education in primary school.
"It is very difficult with first-graders, because an adult must be present during class, and they cannot always be there. Another obstacle is the child's lack of a computer. There is a smartphone, but this is not a tool that today allows you to fully study at home." , - Director of ITeen Academy Irina Vasilyeva comments on the situation.
According to Valentina Chekan, co-founder of the private school LuCh, distance education today is stressful for a student. In this situation, it is important to support each student individually.
"We need to work very well with the feedback and diagnostics of each student. We want the student to face the choice for the future profession already at the secondary school stage . "
"There is a UNICEF fund that deals with education analytics. Many say that distance learning is an extremely ineffective form ," continues the director of the private school LuCh Yevgeny Luferchik, when it comes to the benefits of distance learning.
And now the shock content. There is no single platform for online education of children in any country in the world. All the heroes of the new release of ITitov agree with this. The complexity of creating such a system lies not only in the technical part, but also in the organizational one.
"Such a platform has not been organized anywhere, so there is no need to say that we are lagging behind everyone, but I have forecasts who can do it first, " says Evgeny Livyant, co-founder of the 100 Points Center , sharing his forecasts.
Who can be the first to create a unique distance learning platform for schoolchildren? How do kids start building their businesses with complementary courses? As well as life hacks and tips for distance learning in a new issue on the YouTube channel ITitov.
Distance learning for schoolchildren is a growing necessity, yet there’s no universally ideal platform because needs vary based on age, learning styles, and resources available globally. Many platforms lack features that effectively combine engagement, accessibility, and tailored content. For example, higher education has specific tools for tailored learning, like NURS FPX 4020 Assessment 1, which helps nursing students improve quality of care and patient safety. A similar tailored approach for schoolchildren, integrating interactive learning with personalized feedback, could bridge this gap. Until platforms adapt to diverse global needs, the search for an ideal distance learning solution remains a challenge.