Friday, September 25, 2020

The meaning of the phrase "industrial engineering"

The meaning of the word "industrial"

INDUSTRIAL , - oh , - oh . 1. App. to industry (in 1 digit); industrial. Industrial enterprise. Industrial centre. (Small Academic Dictionary, IAS)

All meanings of INDUSTRIAL

The meaning of the word "engineering"

ENGINEERING , -and, well . 1. Outdated. Engineering art, engineering. For a consistent attack of an atomic nucleus, enormous energies are needed. --- And he understood: only high engineering could eventually give them to atomic physics. Danin, Rutherford. (Small Academic Dictionary, IAS)

All meanings of ENGINEERING

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Associations for the word "industrial"

fishing industry cities fishing

All associations for INDUSTRIAL

Associations for the word "engineering"

engineer blueprints technology

All associations for ENGINEERING

Synonyms for industrial engineering

computer engineering construction engineering software engineering Industrial Design civil Engineering computerquestions


Industrial Engineering Sentences

The idea of industrial human factor engineering is being actively developed .

G. Kh. Boronova, Labor psychology: lecture notes

The development of industrial engineering involved in the management and organization of production required the use of more and more complex mathematical models and led to the development of numerous statistical and optimization planning algorithms, the practical application of which required the processing of large amounts of information and the performance of rather complex calculations.

Evgeny Leonidovich Shuremov, Computer-oriented control technologies. Briefly about the main

They are interested in the economic structure, the system of political power, the ruling religions and ideologies of the world, the main breakthrough technologies in the field of medicine, space, and industrial engineering .

Kazantsev Valery, Step into the future in a dream

(all offers)

Combination of the word "industrial"

industrial enterprises

industrial production

industrial revolution

industrial development of the country

industrial potential of the country

for the protection of industrial property

has become a major industrial center is

about industrial espionage

(complete compatibility table)

Combination of the word "engineering"

social engineering

genetic engineering

software engineering

in engineering

social engineering methods

Concepts with the phrase "industrial engineering"

Industrial Engineering (also Industrial Engineering) is an engineering discipline concerned with the design, improvement and research of integrated systems consisting of people, money, knowledge, information, equipment, energy, materials and processes. Manufacturing management is based on the principles and methods of engineering analysis. Applications of mathematics, physics and social sciences are used together with methods of engineering analysis and design

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